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Misty Slopes

Leadership for an
Emerging New Story


Now accepting applications for Seminary of the Wild Earth 2025

Image by Taru Goyal

We are living between stories...

The old story is no longer effective.  Yet we have not learned 'the new story.'  We are talking only to ourselves.  We are not talking to the rivers, we are not listening to the wind and stars.  We have broken the great conversation. 

Thomas Berry

Image by Steven Kamenar


The Center for Wild Spirituality is a learning community devoted to listening and responding to the Sacred Wild — that which calls us deeper into the soul of the living world.


The wisdom needed at this time of crisis won't be figured out by a group of leaders who will tell us what to do.  It comes through us.  It comes through relationship with those who are ignored by the dominant narrative. The wisdom we need comes as we commit to deeper listening to the holy and the wild, to one another, to those who are marginalized.. We follow the call to embody a kin-dom of God, grounded in love and belonging to beloved community, which is larger even than our own species.


A community

of like-hearted souls

committed to reWilding our world

by restoring intimate relationship

Call of the Sacred Wild

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In order to midwife the changes our culture and planet desperately need, we must repair the great conversation between humans and the rest of the sacred living world.

The emerging paradigm that calls for equity, regeneration, kindness, and reciprocity
—a kin-dom of God — will require a new kind of spiritual leadership. 
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The New Story is Emerging through Us

At pivotal times in history — times of great unraveling that creates space for something new to emerge — people are called into a new way of being human. 


In ancient Judeo-Christian stories, as well as those found in most other religious traditions, the call to leadership is always initiated by a call into the wilderness.
To listen to the wind, the trees, the stars.  To remember who you are and the role you are here to play in the ongoing evolution of life.

This is a pivotal moments in history As ecological, cultural and civic integrity unravels, heart-centered people are being called into a new kind of leadership — one that is deeply connected with both spirituality and nature.   


The collapse we are experiencing is actually the birth of a new story


This new story is created through the many stories emerging through us, through people whose hearts are open to the voices of the sacred whispering through the forest and ocean and sky. 

Image by Jasper Boer


You may feel it on a deep, unspoken level: a call to weave the threads of your unique gifts and privileges, your particular wounds and experiences, together with the stories and beings of the place you call home.

The reconnection of Spirit and Nature is essential to the profound shift happening in our world.  Your offerings toward the new story may not have a form yet.  That's okay.  Most of what is needed right now does not have a template. 


The journey of listening and responding to the particular ways you belong in this pivotal time is a collective one.

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It begins
by answering a
wild call.

Image by Vadim Sherbakov

Yearlong Programs

A certificate in Eco-Spirituality. Join the upcoming Seminary of the Wild Earth cohort in 2025.

For graduates of the Eco-Spirituality Certificate Program

Eco-Spiritual Direction and 

Wild Guide Certification

Partners and Friends:

Image by Kyle Cesmat

Wild Spirituality Books

Church of the Wild:
How Nature Invites Us Into the Sacred

Award-winning book by Victoria Loorz explores what it looks like to restore sacred relationship with Earth, reconnect with the wild roots of what it really means to be church, and discover our place in an interconnected world.

With an ecospiritual lens on biblical narratives and a fresh look at a community larger than our own species, Church of the Wild helps deepen your commitment to a suffering earth by falling in love with it—and calling it church.

Field Guide to
Church of the Wild

A field guide that serves as a companion to the Wild Church Movement. Exploring the primary aspects of gathering in reverent relationship merging prayer and mountain, ritual and wren, gatherings and forests.

The book moves through the main elements of a Wild Church service, each chapter full of ideas, prayers, rituals, and practices for running a Wild Church.

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